The easiest way to reduce your energy bills is to minimize usage in the first place! Next is to switch supplier, which is as easy as entering your postcode. So why aren’t consumers doing this? Is it complacency? A lack of time? No access to the Internet? The hassle of changing banking details? Or not knowing how big the savings can be? We expect all the above are contributing to us not switching enough.
So should you switch? Yes. Your current supplier is not going to tell you if their tariffs are uncompetitive – why should they? You can’t complain about high energy bills if you don’t take action today both by saving energy and by switching. This is how we can encourage a more competitive energy market. The chances are if you’ve never switched or haven’t switched in past 12 months, you’re paying a hefty price! Here’s Sust-it’s guide to switching…
How to switch energy supplier?
Before you start to make a comparison having a previous utility bill to hand will help you provide the following information:
- your postcode.
- your current gas and electricity supplier;
- your tariff, which should be on your bill;
- how much you spend or the amount you use in kilowatt hours
(you can switch without this, however having the above information will ensure you get the best possible deal)
Enter this information into Sust-it’s switching service and will show you the cheapest deals based on energy usage. Pick the tariff/supplier you want and enter your bank details to set up a direct debit (this gives you the cheapest deals). The chosen supplier will arrange the changeover process; you’ll be asked submit meter readings, then your exiting supplier will send a final bill. The whole process takes around two and six weeks – hopefully Government pressure will speed this process up soon!